The Bardavon’s goal is to enrich the lives of children by exposing them to extraordinary theatre, dance and musical programs. These original events and concerts engage young people through creative exploration and active participation. The Bardavon is proud to present the Daytime Performance Series, celebrating over 30 years of presenting programs for young people.

The MET Live in HD

From the Metropolitan Opera House

The Bardavon is pleased to present The Met: Live in HD. An award-winning series of live, high-definition performance transmissions, which are broadcast to over 900 theaters around the world.

Upcoming Events

A CANDLELIGHT SERVICE OF LESSONS AND CAROLS Marist College Presents Saturday, December 07 at 03:00 pm - Bardavon
Ulster Dance Company’s A Christmas Carol Ulster Dance Company Presents Saturday, December 07 at 07:00 pm - UPAC
Ulster Dance Company’s A Christmas Carol Ulster Dance Company Presents Sunday, December 08 at 02:00 pm - UPAC
The Nutcracker Presented by the New Paltz Ballet Theatre Thursday, December 12 at 09:45 am - Bardavon
The Nutcracker Presented by the New Paltz Ballet Theatre Thursday, December 12 at 12:00 pm - Bardavon
The Nutcracker Presented by the New Paltz Ballet Theatre Friday, December 13 at 12:00 pm - Bardavon